Our Authors
Britney Dehnert, Author: With a supposedly extinct dragon and a power-crazed necromancer loose, how could she have expected a smooth unification of countries? Of course, no one knew of the dragon or necromancer. After all, the necromancer was banished decades ago... Everything was going so well for her. Though her marriage would be based solely on political advantages to join their kingdoms, she found that she was quickly and unexpectedly falling for the dren prince, her betrothed. Buy on Amazon
Britney Dehnert, Author: She has no memory of her past. All she knows is she must fight to save her people – alongside one of the creatures that have enslaved them for so long. But time is running short. The daeor grow in number and the disease spreads like wild-fire. Then a most unlikely - and unwanted - ally joins them. Will he be the key to their survival? Or will he drive them apart when they need each other most? The second in her "Epoch Tales" series. Buy on Amazon
Kelly Dehnert, Author: The Dehnerts moved to Malawi, Africa on a lark. Yes, they were called there. But they were ill-prepared for crossing cultures. In the fiery furnace of their experiences, God molded their understanding of missions, family, community, and leadership. "To Africa on a Lark" is like "a fun travel documentary with some sage-like wisdom thrown in." Buy on Amazon
Patrick Wood, Author: So you want to learn more about music by delving into music theory. That's great, but what is it exactly? To put it simply: music theory is the science behind music. Why do songs sound the way they do? What's the difference between different music styles? What do all those little dots on the music page mean? All of those questions, and many more, can be answered in this book. Buy on Amazon
Bettyann Henderson, Author: Helpful for starting a program, developing an existing program, organizing a single event, or working with your students on their rhetorical skills in the classroom or homeschool environment. Each chapter deals with specific aspects of working from page to stage. Included are parent-student forms and photographs, calendars, character worksheets, scheduling suggestions, and instructions for compiling the production script. Buy
Kelly Dehnert, Author: The stories of God’s chosen kings, beginning with Saul, help us recognize both the glory of God’s sovereign and loving reign and the deep brokenness of His people. Kings of Folly and of Grace is a twelve-week Bible study focusing on major kings of the northern (Israel) and southern (Judah) kingdoms. Buy on Amazon.
Compositions and Paintings
Kelly Dehnert, Composer: Contact Kelly for a listing of his Jazz combo arrangements and his transcription for trumpet solo and band (Corelli). kellydehnert@musikbrucken.org
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