MB Director: Kelly Dehnert has served on music faculties of college campuses in Wyoming and Africa. He received Trumpet performance degrees from the University of Arizona (BM) and Yale University School of Music (MM). In addition, Kelly has received a Doctor of Ministry degree from Covenant Theological Seminary. His love for chamber music and interest in music from a spiritual perspective sparked his interest in developing and coordinating the Arts in the Alps: Musik-Brucken. Email Kelly
Director - Muttersprach Program | Board Member: Scott Morningstar has recently retired from the faculty of Montana Bible College where he taught Native American culture. The Morningstars became part of Musik-Brücken in 2012, teaching classes in the schools on Native American culture. The Morningstars travel to Austria each year, spending several weeks teaching English in the schools using American culture. Email Scott
Founder of Muttersprach Program | Board Member: Bettyann Henderson taught 32 years in Christian schools - general music, choir, theatre, and publications. A consultant to Classical Christian schools, she teaches piano and early childhood music classes. She has degrees in Bible (Highland College), Liberal Arts (Colorado Christian), Education (Reformed Theological Seminary) and English Literature (Wroxton College in Oxfordshire, England). Email Bettyann
Pianist | Board Member: Mary Hamilton was the piano accompanist for the Duke University Chorale for many years. She acted as Minister of Music at Church of the Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church in Raleigh, North Carolina until 2017. She is currently retired and enjoying her grandchildren full-time.
Saxophone | Board Member: In 2003, Matt moved to North Carolina to work at UNC-Chapel Hill as one of the band directors and the saxophone teacher. In 2016, he began serving full-time as the Music Director at Church of the Good Shepherd. He is married to Mary Joan, and have two children, Sara and Eli.
Director of Instrumental Music | Board Member: Matt Kiefer has performed around the world. He toured with the Langlois Quartet and played with the Memphis Symphony. In addition to performing classical, he performs folk, jazz, and rock. He teaches violin, viola, and chamber music at High Point University in High Point, North Carolina. Dr. Kiefer holds degrees from the Cleveland Institute of Music, the University of North Carolina, and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Email Matt
MB Director | Board Member: Kelly Dehnert has served on music faculties of college campuses in Wyoming and Africa. He received Trumpet performance degrees from the University of Arizona (BM) and Yale University School of Music (MM). Kelly received a Doctor of Ministry degree from Covenant Theological Seminary. His love for chamber music and interest in music from a spiritual perspective sparked his interest in developing and coordinating the Arts in the Alps: Musik-Brucken. Email Kelly
Director - Muttersprach Program | Board Member: Scott Morningstar has recently retired from the faculty of Montana Bible College where he taught Native American culture. The Morningstars became part of Musik-Brücken in 2012, teaching classes in the schools on Native American culture. The Morningstars travel to Austria each year, spending several weeks teaching English in the schools using American culture. Email Scott
Musik-Brücken was created to bring Glory to God by building relational bridges in Austria through the Arts and Education.
875 Fremont Street, Lander, Wyoming 82520, United States
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